About the Fast

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Why Europe?
Europe remains a powerful influence in today's world. But despite it's religious past, Europe is one of the most resistant places on Earth for the Gospel. If Europe were reached for Christ, the impact would be felt around the world.

Who we are.
CreativeWorks is Europe-wide ministry of Greater Europe Mission dedicated to assisting the church in Europe in reproducing witnessing fellowships within reach of every person.

What we do.
CreativeWorks provides the church with assistance and training in creating effective events and media that communicate the good news of forgiveness and leadership in Jesus Christ. And we need your help.

We offer programs like Imagin'Air clubs for children in French, German, Polish, Romanian, and of course English. We're mobilizing musicians committed to the Lord and to sharing the Gospel in concerts across Europe. We're developing special events like the Candlelight Dinner where Christians are eagerly invite friends who need to hear about Christ. Your prayers and financial support make it possible.

What we do.
Over the past six years we've worked in 10 European countries, with over 50 church and parachurch organizations, serving alongside 10 different humanitarian or social agencies as we minister. With your help we can even do more.
(Visit the CreativeWorks website for more information.)

We want to partner with you.
Choose to replace one visit you'd have made to a fast food restaurant per week or per month with some time set aside for scripture meditation and prayer for the world in need of a Savior, and donate the funds you'd have spent on that meal to ministry.

We’ll provide the “food.”
Use the "Join In" page to register. And for our partners, we publish a weekly prayer and reading guide to maximize your time with God during your Fast Food Fast. Click here to check it out.

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